April 17, 2009

Franchise Your Business Seminars

Franchise Your Business Seminars

Location: Kuala Lumpur.

Wed, 22/04, Availability: Available
Wed, 29/04, Availability: Available

Email Stacy (stacy@sg-franchiseresources) for reservation.

Location: Singapore.

We are looking for partners. Please do contact us for collaboration / partnership details.

Seminar Details:

"Franchise Your Business" (FYB) Seminars are designed for business owners and corporate executives to provide an understanding of franchising as a growth strategy.

Topics include:

1. A review of the Malaysian laws that govern franchising
2. The different types of franchise strategies available for expansion and choosing the right one for your business.

3. Comparing the costs of relative growth strategies.
4. Various types of revenue streams created through franchising.
5. Estimated costs of franchising a business.
6. Calculating the returns on franchise development and support costs.
7. Criteria for determining whether your business is franchisable.
8. The differences between Franchising and Licensing and the common mistakes companies make.
9. Organizational demands of franchising.
10. Choosing the right people for your franchise .
11. Marketing and Selling Franchises.

Seminars are conducted by one of Francorp Malaysia Senior Consultants.

Seminar Fee:
RM 198 per person. For guaranteed seats, payment is required.

Singapore Franchise Resources

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Food!! Glorious Food!!

I bet my friends will love this (special note to Alvin from Bukit Jalil). Eatout Franchise is in Malaysia and is starting really soon!! Soon you have an online dining guide for your “Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan” adventures with your family and friends.

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